Home Page
Hi! Welcome to my personal website. I'm Analog Feelings,
but you can call me Nora.
People used to call me AestheticalZ or AestheticalGL.
- Pronouns: she/her, more info here
- Gender Identity: Transgender Woman
- Primary OS: Windows 11 Pro
- Secondary OS: macOS Sonoma
- Primary IDE: JetBrains IDEs
- Secondary IDE: Visual Studio 2022
- Miscellaneous Editor: Visual Studio Code
I am a programmer girl who has completely lost sensitivity to caffeine.
My interest in computers began when I was little, and since then I've been constantly expanding
my knowledge.
Most of the software I make is just for fun, although some projects do have the goal of helping people out.
I am constantly trying to learn new things!
Be sure to check out the
announcements page
for announcements or news!
My Programming Languages
Here's a list of programming languages I work with or have worked with before!

It's my favorite language so far. I do most of my programs in it, I can't live without it.

Barely use it, since I almost never do low-level things, and if I do, I either use C++ or use P/Invoke on C#.

The first language I ever tried to learn, didn't go well, obviously. Now I use it for low-level things.

I tried to learn it before I settled with C#. I barely use it anymore.

I absolutely despise it, but it's a necessity for websites.

I also absolutely despise it, but it's at least less insane than JS.

This wretched thing should not be alive. It makes websites look pretty though.
My Blog
I have a blog where I ramble about stuff! Here's a list of the most recent posts.
My Knowledge Base
I also have a knowledge base where I document obscure stuff!